Radchenko Irina Vladimirovna
Tambov State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov
Submitted: 22.03.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the pedagogical aspects of the process of adolescents’ plastic culture formation directed not only to teaching dance aspects, but also to the harmonious formation of the personality. Plastic culture is considered as: a part of performing in many kinds of professional and amateur art associated with the movement of the human body (choreography, theater, vocal, circus, etc.); the definition of culture, which includes the moral, aesthetic, professional aspects of the key notion - "plastics", or "plasticity". The author conducts a brief analysis of the historical stages of the formation of the notion "plastic culture". The main directions of the work on the formation of plastic culture of the participants of the choreographic collective are determined.
Key words and phrases: пластика, пластическая культура, хореография, духовное и физическое развитие, гармоничные движения, художественно-творческая деятельность, plastics, plastic culture, choreography, spiritual and physical development, harmonious movements, artistic and creative activity
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