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Matveev Valerii Valentinovich
Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Abstract. The article deals with the issues of the activity of the pedagogical staff in ballroom choreography in modern conditions against the background of historical development of ballroom dance. The topicality of the paper is in the analysis of the contemporary state of the coaching and teaching staff. For the first time the author presents accurate characteristics of the development of ballroom choreography in the XX and early XXI century: the division into public forms, stage ballroom dance, dance sport.
Key words and phrases: общедоступные формы бального танца, сценический бальный танец, танцевальный спорт, учитель танцев, бальная хореография, педагог-балетмейстер, public forms of ballroom dance, stage ballroom dance, dance sport, dance teacher, ballroom choreography, teacher-choreographer
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