Abstract. The article considers the possibilities of the development of improvisation abilities among students of theatric specialties at the primary stage of learning. Based on the personal theatric-pedagogical experience, the author determines positive results of introduction of the technology of partners’ improvisation interaction in the learning process in the stage etude conditions. Special attention is paid to the consistent examination of certain stages of this technology, when the students develop the principal elements of the acting technique while acquiring the skills of improvisation acting.
Key words and phrases: импровизация, сценический этюд, обучение навыкам импровизации, действование, условия эффективности, элементы театральной педагогики, методика импровизационного взаимодействия партнеров, improvisation, stage etude, teaching the skills of improvisation, acting, conditions of efficiency, elements of theatric pedagogy, technology of partners’ improvisation interaction
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