Demina Larisa Alekseevna
Medical College № 6, Moscow
Abstract. The article substantiates the need to develop a holistic approach to teaching a foreign language to students of nonlinguistic higher education establishment within the frameworks of a new scientific paradigm, involving a complete review of the scientific worldview and contributing to the formation of multifaceted image of science. Special attention is paid to the implementation of the principles of integrity, continuity and complementarity in foreign language education, and to the development of holistic thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language.
Key words and phrases: новая научная парадигма, холистический подход, целостная система знания, принцип целостности, принцип преемственности и дополнительности, холистическое мышление, new scientific paradigm, holistic approach, integrated system of knowledge, principle of integrity, principle of continuity and complementarity, holistic thinking
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