Abstract. The article presents the technology of forming the ability to describe and interpret graphic information in English as a component of general professional competence of students from nonlinguistic directions of training. The author, basing on personal experience of teaching the discipline "Foreign Language", determines the positive results of this technology application. Special attention is paid to the description of tasks used in each of three stages of the proposed technology and aimed at the progressive formation of the components of the ability under consideration. The article presents the results of this technology approbation in the group of second-year students of a technical higher education establishment.
Key words and phrases: общепрофессиональная компетенция, иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, знание специальной терминологии, навык описания графической информации, навык интерпретации графической информации, уровни сформированности умения описывать и интерпретировать графическую информацию, general professional competence, foreign language communicative competence, knowledge of specific terminology, skill of graphic information description, skill of graphic information interpretation, levels of formedness of ability to describe and interpret graphic information