Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2018. № 4. P. 83-86.
Mukhamedzhanova Nuriya Mansurovna
Orenburg State University
Submitted: 10.04.2018
Abstract. The article examines the process of modernization from the standpoint of the cultural-anthropological approach as a transition from homo religious to homo economicus . The value basis of the traditional society was religion, which for many centuries acted as a powerful anti-entropic mechanism ensuring the mankind’s survival. In the modern society, the dominant sphere of public life is economics, which leads to the destruction of the society, nature and the man. In the opinion of the author, the condition for the self-preservation of the society is refusal from the priority of economics over culture, subordination of economics to the higher principles of culture.
Key words and phrases: модернизация, традиционное общество, современное общество, протестантизм, экономика капитализма, качество жизни, культура, modernization, traditional society, modern society, Protestantism, economics of capitalism, quality of life, culture
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