Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2018. № 2. P. 141-146.
Sevost'yanova Liliya Vasil'evna
Sobinov Saratov State Conservatory
Submitted: 21.01.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the critical review of A. K. Glazunov’s quartets. Basing on the statements of B. V. Asafiev and B. L. Yavorsky, as well as on the classification of psychological types by Carl Gustav Jung, the author shows the dominance of extraverted sensation in the psychological world of the quartets. This led to dissolution in objects (traditions of quartets by Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin, Tchaikovsky and Taneyev) and depreciation of the subjective factor. The quartets by Glazunov are dominated by desire for pleasure, the increased level of aesthetic quality. The cult of beauty, expositional static character, leveling of the development techniques of progress and contrast, and filling of statuary exposition with decorative methods showing signs of secondary character, borrowing from the Kuchkists’ creativity come to the fore. The principles of variation, endowment of the simplest harmonic turns and tonalities with colorful properties, hypertrophy of the principles of the suite character, predominance of centripetalism become omnipresent. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion about gradual depletion of the composer’s creative energy.
Key words and phrases: экстраверсия, ощущение, растворение в объектах, умаление субъективного фактора, культ наслаждения, эстетизм, красочность, колористичность, центростремительные свойства сюитности, extraversion, sensation, dissolution in objects, depreciation of subjective factor, cult of pleasure, aestheticism, colorfulness, coloring nature, centripetal properties of suite character
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