Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 9. P. 205-209.
Khrishkevich Tat'yana Georgievna
Pskov State University
Abstract. The article reveals some social aspects of regional disproportion of the Federal Republic of Germany, formed as a result of integration, through the lenses of such social indicators as the level of employment and income of the population. Attention is paid to the process of transferring the West German rules of medical and social insurance to new lands. Dynamics of the number of the unemployed and factors affecting it are considered. One of the consequences of the integration was a socio-economic crisis that began in the second half of the 1990s and led to a large-scale social reform "Agenda 2010".
Key words and phrases: ФРГ, объединение Германии, региональная диспропорция, социальная политика, рынок труда, The Federal Republic of Germany, integration of Germany, regional disproportion, social policy, labor market
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