Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 9. P. 156-161.
Samsonova Tat'yana Petrovna
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to a historical review of development of musical culture of Europe and Russia in the X-XVIII centuries. The accent is made on discrepancy between achievements in the field of musical art during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance conditioned for Russia by objective historic reasons: later adoption of Christianity (988), princely internecine feud, Tatar-Mongolian invasion, later formation of the Grand Principality of Moscow (the XV century) and, as a consequence, absence of professional instrumental culture. A turning point in development of Russian musical culture is Peter I’s reforms and St. Petersburg founding. Novelty of the article is in considering achievements of development of musical culture of Europe and Russia over a fairly long period of time (the X-XVIII centuries) as an integral phenomenon determined both by general laws of the historical process and by national originality.
Key words and phrases: культура, христианство, композитор, музыкальное искусство, клавир, скрипка, развитие, достижение, Средневековье, григорианский хорал, Возрождение, вокально-хоровая музыка, знаменное пение, музыкальные жанры и формы, culture, Christianity, composer, musical art, clavier, violin, development, achievement, Middle Ages, Gregorian choral, Renaissance, vocal and choral music, Znamenny chant, musical genres and forms
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