Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 9. P. 59-61.
Gazizov Rail' Robertovich
Bashkir State University in Ufa
Abstract. The article deals with e-government as an existential prerequisite of the world of legal realia. The author substantiates an idea, according to which in the modern complex world opposition of humanitarian, existential culture to the spirit of technicism and technocratic thinking is intensified. The researcher analyzes for the first time the functional space of humanitarian culture, where humanistic, social-cognitive, world outlook and axiological, integrating, communicative, management-regulatory, and social-successive functions are included in the semantic context of e-government formation.
Key words and phrases: электронное государство, электронное правительство, гуманитарная культура, мир правовых реалий, свобода человека, коммуникация и общение, социальная преемственность, дух техницизма, общечеловеческие ценности, e-government, humanitarian culture, world of legal realia, human freedom, communication and interaction, social continuity, spirit of technicism, human values
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