Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 8. P. 118-120.
Malysheva Tat'yana Fedorovna
Saratov State Conservatoire
Abstract. The article is based on memoirs kept in Saratov Conservatoire, where during the evacuation years (1941-1942) Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev’s student, the outstanding scientist, the creator of the theory of modal rhythm Boleslav Leopoldovich Yavorsky worked. The memories include Yavorsky’s study of Taneyev’s composer’s, pianistic, pedagogical, scientific activity in the context of the factors underlying the composer’s creative image: development of musical thinking and following clear constructive logic.
Key words and phrases: С. И. Танеев, Б. Л. Яворский, архив Саратовской консерватории, теория ладового ритма, музыкальное мышление, S. I. Taneyev, B. L. Yavorsky, archive of Saratov Conservatoire, theory of modal rhythm, musical thinking
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Protopopov S. V. Ot redaktora // Yavorskii B. L. Vospominaniya o Sergee Ivanoviche Taneeve: rukopis'. S. 1-2 // Biblioteka Saratovskoi gosudarstvennoi konservatorii.
Protopopov S. V. Pamyati Boleslava Leopol'dovicha Yavorskogo: rukopis'. M., 1948. 7 s.
Yavorskii B. V. Vospominaniya o Sergee Ivanoviche Taneeve: rukopis'. 176 s. // Biblioteka Saratovskoi gosudarstvennoi konservatorii.
Yavorskii B. L. Vospominaniya, stat'i i pis'ma / pod obshch. red. D. D. Shostakovicha. M.: Muzyka, 1964. T. 1. 671 s.
Yavorskii B. L. Pis'ma S. I. Taneevu: rukopis'. 10 s. // Biblioteka Saratovskoi gosudarstvennoi konservatorii.