Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 7. P. 189-192.
Tatarenkova Nataliya Andreevna
Samara State Technical University
Abstract. The article examines problems of conservation of cultural heritage in the context of emergence of new social-political and economic models by the example of Russian provincial museums. Activity of departments for museums affairs and protection of monuments of art and antiquity is analyzed, the role of the artistic intelligentsia in saving and museumification of cultural and historical values is emphasized. The author focuses on creation of memorial museums connected with life and work of figures of national culture.
Key words and phrases: культурное наследие, музей, Отдел по делам музеев и охране памятников искусства и старины Народного комиссариата просвещения, художественно-исторические ценности, художественная интеллигенция, cultural heritage, museum, artistic and historical values, artistic intelligentsia
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