Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 7. P. 78-83.
Klepchenko Anastasiya Viktorovna
East-Siberian State Institute of Culture in Ulan-Ude
Abstract. The article describes song creativity of the Buryat composer A. Pribylov. The author considers features of the songs, their stylistic models. The study shows that in A. Pribylov’s songs one can see both traditions of Russian song lyrics and his own creative manner. A number of songs by the composer are given as a striking example. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that songs by A. Pribylov are claimed not only in the Buryat Republic but in other regions as well. The paper contains musical examples.
Key words and phrases: песенная лирика, песенная тематика, инструментальное сопровождение, танцевальные ритмы, мелодические фигурации, song lyrics, song subject matter, instrumental accompaniment, dance rhythms, melodic figuration
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Antologiya pesen Buryatii / sost. V. Ts. Dashinimaeva. Ulan-Ude: OAO "Respublikanskaya tipografiya", 2012. 496 s.