Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 7. P. 47-49.
Gazizov Rail' Robertovich
Bashkir State University in Ufa
Abstract. The article analyzes the "information" conception, which is considered as a form of self-consciousness of the human being and the society. Self-consciousness is often considered as something more than increasing possibilities, creative potentials of the social subject. Informational experience is a spiritual phenomenon, not a form of possession. Information involves spiritual orientation of the personality, a system of his/her intellectual and ethical values in social information space.
Key words and phrases: информация, проблема реабилитации чувственности, чувственность и рассудок, информационный опыт, информационная культура, экзистенция, information, sensuality rehabilitation problem, sensuality and intellect, informational experience, informational culture, existence
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