Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 6. Part 2. P. 36-40.
Ivanov Dmitrii Pavlovich
Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin
Abstract. In the article for the first time in historiography an attempt of comprehensive consideration of Tambov rebellion of 1920-1921 from the point of view of terminology is made. Unlike previous works, in this research the main stages of the peasant movement in Tambov province in 1920-1921 are identified and determined in accordance with the current state of science and their detailed description is given. As a result of the conducted research, the terminological apparatus of Tambov rebellion of 1920-1921 is formed, which allows presenting a full description of the peasant movement as a whole as well as its individual stages.
Key words and phrases: Гражданская война, малая война, крестьянское восстание, бандитизм, зеленое движение, атаманщина, партизанская война, повстанчество, The Civil War, small war, peasant rebellion, banditry, green movement, ataman movement, guerrilla warfare, rebellion
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