Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 4. P. 30-32.
Belyaev Dmitrii Anatol'evich, Synkova Dar'ya Valer'evna
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P. P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky
Abstract. The article considers the idea of anthropological autotrophy proposed by Russian cosmists as a variant of material-physical objectivation of the concept "superman". The natural science foundations of the conception of human autotrophy are studied separately, and the basic physical-anthropological and social-organizational consequences of human nutrition autonomism are determined. The conclusion is drawn that the idea of human autotrophy creates an original, anthropologically social modus of explication of the superman from the position of qualitative transformation of the nutrition system.
Key words and phrases: автотрофность, космизм, сверхчеловек, Вернадский, Циолковский, автотрофный человек, антропологическая трансформация, autotrophy, cosmism, superman, Vernadsky, Tsiolkovsky, autotrophic person, anthropological transformation
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