Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 4. P. 84-87.
Izvekov Arkadii Igorevich
Saint Petersburg Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology
Abstract. The article compares Descartes’s epistemological position and Rembrandt’s artistic philosophical principle. It is generally accepted that they are figures-symbols of the beginning of modern history. A comparison of their creativity, revealing profound differences between two philosophical positions open up new nuances of such a phenomenon as spiritual freedom. In turn, the comparison of this phenomenon with historical dynamics of a person’s self-consciousness provides an opportunity for a clearer interpretation of the concept "existential revolution".
Key words and phrases: свобода, духовная свобода, ответственность, сознание, самосознание, экзистенциальный переворот, freedom, spiritual freedom, responsibility, consciousness, self-consciousness, existential revolution
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