Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 3. Part 2. P. 37-39.
Vlasov Sergei Dmitrievich
Saratov Social-Economic Institute (Branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. Social problems of development of the Russian village in the 1990s, attempts to solve them are considered in the paper. The author substantiates a position that the crisis of the rural social sphere was caused by reforms that were carried out in the 1990s, the market transformation implemented in a very short time. The social sphere degraded, approved regulatory-legal acts did not change the situation in the village. The article shows importance of complex development of rural areas, activation of the social factor of economic growth.
Key words and phrases: социальная сфера, российское село, социальное законодательство, целевые программы, газификация, бедность, social sphere, Russian village, social legislation, target-oriented programs, gasification, poverty
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