Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 3. Part 2. P. 22-25.
Buraya Inna Viktorovna
Volga Region State University of Service
Abstract. Zhigulyovsk refers to new towns of Samara region founded at the turn of the 1940-1950s. Its location - within the territory of "Samara Bend" National Park - stimulated "conservation" of historical architecture and planning, since prohibition to build industrial enterprises here restricted growth of population and, consequently, the building. Due to these factors Zhigulyovsk preserved the integrated architectural ensemble of the late Soviet neo-classicism. The article shows Zhigulyovsk developmental dynamics from the oil workers’ settlement to the town, analyzes architecture and planning, identifies implemented standard projects, peculiarities of architectural environment arrangement.
Key words and phrases: советское градостроительство, новые города, советский неоклассицизм, типовые проекты, клуб, И. Е. Рожин, Н. В. Кашкадамова, Ленгипрогор, Жигулёвск, Самарская область, Поволжье, Soviet urban planning, new towns, Soviet neo-classicism, standard projects, club, I. E. Rozhin, N. V. Kashkadamova, Leningrad State Institute for Town Planning, Zhigulyovsk, Samara region, the Volga region
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