Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 3. Part 2. P. 107-110.
Mukhamedzhanova Nuriya Mansurovna
Orenburg State University
Abstract. Analyzing national peculiarities of the culture of labour, the author proves that culture as a result of centuries-old adaptation of the society to diverse conditions of its existence is a conservative system that accommodates long enough to changes taking place in the society. Therefore, attempts to change certain aspects of public life drastically and in the shortest possible time (for example, in the labour sphere) face "resistance" of culture resulting in activation of imitation practices and "slipping" of reforms.
Key words and phrases: социальные трансформации, культура труда, национальная специфика, религиозный фактор, корпоративный дух, типы управления, имитационные практики, social transformations, culture of labour, national specificity, religious factor, corporate spirit, types of management, imitation practices
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