Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 2. P. 181-183.
Torokhova Galina Zakharovna
Cherepovets State University
Abstract. The article provides a survey of books by French writers popular in the second half of the XVIII - at the beginning of the XIX century stored in private collections of the noble Batyushkovs and Vereshchagins families, the estate owners in Novgorod province. The study is executed by the material of the estate library funds and the Batyushkovs’ and Vereshchagins’ family archives. A comparative analysis of the two libraries identified common features and fashion tendencies typical for estate bibliophily of the Gallophilia epoch. Both libraries, in spite of differences in quantity and content, contain works of philosophers-educationalists, popular authors of the XVII-XVIII centuries, a great number of novels. It indicates the family members’ interest for serious, educational literature and their passion for novels. The book choice allows concluding on literary preferences and tendencies of the epoch.
Key words and phrases: провинциальные дворяне, домашние библиотеки, французские писатели, художественная литература, модные авторы, романы, provincial noblemen, home libraries, French writers, fiction, fashionable authors, novels
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