Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 5. P. 258-264.
Shishin Mikhail Yur'evich, Belokurova Sof'ya Mikhailovna, Om Chand Handa
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
Social and Cultural Foundation "KALP"
Abstract. The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of petroglyphic compositions of the Altai and the Western Himalayas regions. The authors consider several subjects related to the Bronze Age, and draw preliminary conclusions about how similar the artistic solution of one and the same mythological subjects is and what regional specificity manifests itself in. Separately, the authors consider such a subject, widespread in two regions, as an image of the dance. For the analysis, a paleochoreographic approach is used that, on the one hand, helps to restore partially the kinetics of the dance, and on the other, to reveal its semantics.
Key words and phrases: петроглифы Алтая и Гималаев, изображение сакральной охоты, изображение танца-ритуала, палеохореографический подход, средства художественной выразительности, petroglyphs of the Altai and the Himalayas regions, image of sacred hunt, image of dance-ritual, paleochoreographic approach, means of artistic expressiveness
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