Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 5. P. 177-180.
Nitkin Pavel Sergeevich
Saint Petersburg University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the little-studied problem of the emergence of parliamentary journalism in the Russian Empire and the functioning of the journalistic pool under the State Duma. The paper focuses on the issue of accrediting editions to the parliament and the political context of this process. Most of the editions received accreditation to the Duma not from power (executive or legislative), but from a press meeting, and this process became politicized. The representatives of the progressive press gave few accreditations to the conservative press, and the Duma of the first two convocations was considered as an opposition institution in all aspects - it was dominated by opposition deputies and its work was covered by the opposition media. The answer to it was the formation of the Third-of-June System, in which the coverage of the work of the parliament was put partially under the control of the executive branch.
Key words and phrases: Государственная дума Российской империи, парламентская журналистика, парламентские корреспонденты, думские журналисты, журналисты в Государственной думе, The State Duma of the Russian Empire, parliamentary journalism, parliamentary correspondents, Duma journalists, journalists in the State Duma
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