Abstract. The article considers the history of the introduction of zemstvo institutions in the territory of the Orenburg province. The authors analyze the general principles of organization and functioning of zemstvo institutions in the province: the degree of competence of the established structures, the scope of their activities and the sources of financing. The reasons for the late introduction of zemstvos in the territory of the province are singled out. The characteristic features of the province, which influenced the structure of the Orenburg zemstvo, are determined.
Key words and phrases: земство, земские учреждения, органы местного самоуправления, земские собрания, земская управа, земские гласные, выборы, Оренбургская губерния, уезды, zemstvo, zemsvto institutions, bodies of local self-government, zemstvo meetings, Zemstvo Council, zemstvo councilors, elections, Orenburg province, districts
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