Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 4. P. 214-216.
Shestopal Sof'ya Andreevna
Far Eastern Federal University
Abstract. During the second half of the XX century the Republic of Korea was in the process of forming a modern education system, which was influenced largely by changes in the political and socio-economic spheres. The reform of education in the 90 of the last century, aimed at democratizing the educational space, was one of the largest in the history of South Korea. The paper examines the prerequisites and significance of this reform. Particular attention is drawn to the socio-economic and political conditions of its implementation.
Key words and phrases: Республика Корея, история Южной Кореи, система образования, образовательная реформа, демократизация образования, The Republic of Korea, South Korea history, education system, educational reform, democratization of education
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