Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 4. P. 158-162.
Sivertsev Evgenii Yur'evich
Saint Petersburg University
Abstract. The article is an attempt of a philosophical analysis of a phenomenon that is inevitably present in any text - the first sentence of a text. The first sentence determines the subject matter of the text, the genre of the narrative, shapes the semiotic space of the narration following it and sets the context in which the ideas advocated by the author will be revealed. However, the first sentence itself cannot be considered either as processing of empirical information, or as a logical development of what has been said before. The paper discusses the problem of the origin of the first sentence of the text. The factors that determine its appearance and formation are considered.
Key words and phrases: текст, первая фраза текста, язык, означаемое, означающее, реальное, воображаемое, символическое, хора, гено-текст, фено-текст, text, the first sentence of text, language, the signified, the signifier, the real, the imaginary, the symbolic, chora, genotext, phenotext
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