Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 3. P. 67-70.
Ivanova Larisa Valentinovna, Chernieva Zinaida Leonidovna
Tyumen State Institute of Culture
Abstract. The article deals with the semantic aspects of the tower image in modern fine art, draws parallels with its figurative interpretation by the artists of past eras, reveals the novelty and originality of the artistic interpretation of the tower symbol in the works of such artists as A. Amelin-Iakhin, M. Kantor, Yu. Yudin, A. Pochezhertsev, ascertains the topicality and modernity of the symbol of "the Tower of Babel".
Key words and phrases: Библия, Вавилонская башня, экзистенция, образы-символы, новые понятийные, структурно-композиционные и символические варианты образа башни, семантическое наполнение мифологемы "башня", The Bible, Tower of Babel, existence, images-symbols, new conceptual, structural-compositional and symbolic options of tower image, semantic content of tower mythologem
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