Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 2. P. 135-137.
Melikhov German Vladimirovich
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article suggests a philosophical commentary on the idea of M. Scheler, concerning certain features of phenomenological text perception. It is alleged that the philosophical text, among other things, is distinguished by the non-subject ("unrecognized") nature of the message. A philosophical text develops the act of philosophizing, which involves changing the purpose (first the author during the creation of the text, then the reader in the process of its perception), as a result of which we are given the opportunity of our own discretion.
Key words and phrases: философский текст, феноменология, установка на чтение, вопрошание, "неозначенное", philosophical text, phenomenology, aim at reading, interrogation, "unrecognized"
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