Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 2. P. 70-74.
Doronina Marina Vyacheslavovna, Taburkin Vyacheslav Ivanovich
Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University
Abstract. The article forms the structure of the philosophical foundations of modern scientific knowledge. From this perspective the notion of philosophical foundations is defined. Then the authors identify and clarify philosophical principles in the structure of the modern science foundations: objectivity, interaction of the object and subject of scientific cognition, development, integrity, non-rationality and uncertainty in cognition. Such a system-philosophical basis allows for deeper understanding of the strategy and program for the development of science at the end of the ХХ - the beginning of the ХХI century.
Key words and phrases: философские основания, объективность познания, субъект познания, объект познания, человекоразмерные системы, антропный принцип, развитие в познании, целостность в познании, внерациональность познания, неопределенность познания, philosophical foundations, objectivity of cognition, subject of cognition, object of cognition, human-dimensional systems, anthropic principle, development in cognition, integrity in cognition, non-rationality of cognition, uncertainty of cognition
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