Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 2. P. 64-66.
Gulgenova Aryuna Tsydenzhabovna
Ministry of Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Buryatiya
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the development of religious and philosophical ideas of the Mahayana Yogachara system. The dynamics of the early Buddhist conceptions is revealed. In a comparative context the originality of the Yogachara teaching is considered, which consists in the synthesis of the Abhidharma traditions of the Vaibhasiks with the soteriological positions of Mahayana dialecticians and the relevant representation of the individual contribution of the ancient Indian Buddhist thinkers. The paper presents the role and place of Mahayana Yogachara tradition in the history of the Buddhist thought in India, as well as its importance for Tibetan Buddhism.
Key words and phrases: Йогачара, Путь, клеше, абхидхарма, праджняпарамита, скандха, аятана, дхату, Yogachara, Way, cliche, Abhidharma, prajnaparamita, skandha, ayatana, dhatu
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