Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 1. P. 209-211.
Yurina Ekaterina Sergeevna
Saint Petersburg University
Abstract. The article examines the tragedy of Euripides (480-406 BC) "The Riddle of the Bacchae" as a philosophical discourse of the sophism of the V century BC. The paper considers the history of studying the text and some attempts to interpret the "The Riddle of the Bacchae" by the Western authors, including the theory of palynode, according to which the last work of the playwright is the rejection of his philosophical views and a return to religion, and also the theory of double intention, according to which Euripides should be regarded both as a poet and as a philosopher. The author of the article tends to the latter theory and insists on the intertextuality of the "The Riddle of the Bacchae" in the light of the philosophical discussions of the V century BC.
Key words and phrases: Еврипид, "Вакханки", имя, вещи, ?? ?????, ?? ????????, софисты, Протагор, Euripides, "The Riddle of the Bacchae", name, things, ?? ?????, ?? ????????, sophists, Protagoras
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