Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 11. P. 177-179.
Fedyaev Dmitrii Mikhailovich, Fedyaeva Natal'ya Dmitrievna
Omsk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article identifies alternative ontological constructs, the heuristic possibilities of which are realized in the philosophy of history. The medieval Christian thinkers laid the foundation of the philosophy of history and actually realized the ontological construct of Plato - the doctrine of things and ideas. Its consistent implementation leads to the accentuation of historical necessity. The doctrine of Epicurus about the sudden deviation of atoms, accentuating randomness, is an alternative one. Both constructs are present in the philosophy of history. The possibility of their organic synthesis is shown on the basis of the philosophy of history of Hegel, which retains its topicality today.
Key words and phrases: история, идея, период, необходимость, случайность, "зеленый эффект", history, idea, period, necessity, randomness, "green effect"
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