Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 11. P. 21-26.
Antonov Aleksandr Evgen'evich
Kemerovo State University
Abstract. This article considers the history of the development of the National-Democratic Party of Germany (NDP). The purpose of the work is a comprehensive study of the history of political activity and ideological development of the NDP as a right-wing extremist force. Several time stages of the development of this organization are studied. On the basis of their analysis the peculiarities of the ideological component of the organization are identified. The author concludes that during each time interval there were changes in the world outlook of the organization. In conclusion, the paper presents a summary of the state of the party at the moment.
Key words and phrases: правый экстремизм, национализм, Национал-демократическая партия Германии, выборы в Бундестаг, ландтаг, "Альтернатива для Германии", right-wing extremism, nationalism, National-Democratic Party of Germany, elections in Bundestag, Landtag, "Alternative for Germany"
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