Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 10. Part 2. P. 77-81.
Kuparashvili Mziya Dzhemalovna, Vetrova-Deglan Meri Sergeevna
Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Omsk State Transport University
Abstract. The article proposes to differentiate gender and transgender problems which are usually considered together. Such differentiation is of cardinal importance in order to express the essential qualities of properly gender problems. The authors propose to discover the true content of gender problem area which has nothing in common with queer sexual problems. The range of properly gender problems includes the following issues: the loss of gender, feminization/masculinization of the society, gender polarization, double standard in labour evaluation, sexual harassment, abortions, motherhood.
Key words and phrases: гендер, трансгендер, квирсексуальность, дискриминация, андроцентризм, труд, пол, gender, transgender, queer sexuality, discrimination, androcentricity, labour, sex
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