Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 10. Part 1. P. 164-167.
Tatarnikova Anna Ivanovna, Fedotova Dar'ya Yur'evna
Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article analyzes social development of Surgut district settlements at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century; the size, quantity of settlements, their typical diversity are analyzed in historical dynamics. The authors examine the specificity of industrial-economic and sociocultural infrastructure of different types of settlements; identify the peculiarities of functioning of stationary and seasonal settlements existing in the district in the mentioned period. The paper concludes on significant lag in social development of Surgut district settlements compared with the settlements of southern administrative and territorial units of Tobolsk province and on unbalanced distribution of social infrastructure between Russian and "non-Russian" settlements.
Key words and phrases: Сургутский округ/уезд, социальное развитие, инфраструктура, типология поселений, величина, Surgut district/uyezd, social development, infrastructure, typology of settlements, size
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