Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 10. Part 1. P. 147-149.
Rakhmaninova Mariya Dmitrievna
Saint Petersburg Mining University
Abstract. The present article is devoted to the specificity of the phenomenon of power as an object of social and philosophical research and historical and philosophical reflection. The article gives an overview of some of the main difficulties associated with the predominance of the "neutral" position in the academic tradition that sets the horizon for the study of power and also examines the causes why such a position can be not only problematic, but also counterproductive. As an answer to these problems, an additional filter is proposed that classifies theories based on an analysis of their ethical perspectives, as well as the choice of the categorical apparatus and the language of research that is stipulated by it.
Key words and phrases: власть, исследование, теория, классификация, анализ, история, power, research, theory, classification, analysis, history
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