Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 10. Part 1. P. 126-129.
Osmonova Dinara Askarbekovna
Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn
Abstract. The article analyzes the essence, factors and formation of gender identity. Gender identity is considered as a socially constructed phenomenon that arose as a result of social experience and interconnection with other individuals. It is shown that the dissonance of the external properties of gender identity is determined by a serious modification of gender stereotypes and the emergence of updated gender standards and leads it to crisis states. It is stated that under present conditions gender identity is subjected to transformations, external manifestations of which are directly interrelated with the creative inner transformation of the individual.
Key words and phrases: гендерная идентичность, гендер, гендерные роли, гендерная социализация, кризис гендерной идентичности, gender identity, gender, gender roles, gender socialization, crisis of gender identity
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