Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 1. P. 115-118.
Kobleva El'mira Atamovna, Skhalyakho Zarema Chatibovna
Maykop State Technological University
Abstract. The article is devoted to philosophical reflection on influence of ideology of consumption on spiritual life of the modern society. The authors give a generalized description of the new consumer society pointing out that consumption ideology is formed in the postmodernity society as world outlook focusing on consumption of goods and services provided in simulacra required for approval of prestige of people and personalization. Attention is drawn to the fact that ostentation and staginess of consumption make people believe in life as a holiday, in happiness and joy from possession bringing completely new ethics to the public system.
Key words and phrases: идеология потребления, виртуальное пространство, урбанизация, симулякр, общество постмодерна, массовизация культуры, символический обмен, ideology of consumption, virtual space, urbanization, simulacrum, postmodernity society, massivization of culture, symbolic exchange
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