Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 1. P. 86-93.
Gladysheva Stella Gennad'evna
Moscow Technological University (MIREA)
Abstract. The article analyzes the worldview represented in A. A. Tarkovsky’s films, first of all, in "Solaris", and identifies its possible origins. According to the author, these origins can be found, on the one hand, in new European theistically-oriented metaphysics, and, on the other hand, in Orthodox faith. The author examines two possible theistic metaphysics’ interpretations presupposing both personal and impersonal universe origin and, consequently, two possible interpretations of A. A. Tarkovsky’s creative work.
Key words and phrases: А. А. Тарковский, фильм "Солярис", Европа, Россия, эпоха модерна, метафизика, универсальный теизм, деизм, христианство, православие, патристика, A. A. Tarkovsky, "Solaris", Europe, Russia, modernism epoch, metaphysics, universal theism, deism, Christianity, Orthodoxy, patristics
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