Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 1. P. 16-20.
Aleksandrova Yana Aleksandrovna
Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design
Abstract. This article traces evolution of creativity of one of the brilliant representatives of Saint Petersburg school of easel enamel of the XX-XXI centuries A. I. Bagautdinov from the 1990s to the 2010s, from student works and ending with compositions, in which one can already trace a sharply personal style of the artist. The final conclusions of the paper are related to identification of features of the artist’s individual style formed under the influence of "Mukhina’s school" that is based on synthesis, interaction of different kinds of art.
Key words and phrases: А. И. Багаутдинов, художественная эмаль, эмаль, петербургское искусство, современная эмаль, A. I. Bagautdinov, art enamel, enamel, Saint Petersburg art, modern enamel
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