Abstract. The article examines communicative-game aspect of a composer’s creative strategies. The comprehension of the creative activity in the horizon of the notion of strategy presents a new innovative approach in musical science. The game poetics and communicative and creative strategies, implementing it, represent dominant attributive features of postmodernist aesthetics. As an example of such kind of work the play by V. Ekimovsky "Music lessons in the Byzantine school" in the style of instrumental theatre is chosen. Communicative-game space of the work determines the variety of verbal-nonverbal strategies, actualized in it.
Key words and phrases: творческие стратегии, коммуникативно-игровой модус, вербально-авербальные стратегии, игровая поэтика, эстетика постмодернизма, creative strategies, communicative-game modus, verbal-nonverbal strategies, game poetics, aesthetics of postmodernism