Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 9. P. 91-95.
Krasil'nikova Mariya Vladimirovna
Joint Stock Company "Ramenskoye Instrument-Engineering Design Bureau"
Abstract. The article examines "new community" conception developed by the major representative of symbolism in Russia Andrei Bely. Such an approach represents, firstly, his creative purpose to form the social culture as a culture of spirit and, secondly, the humanistic value and personal conceptions of purpose and essence of social transformations in the society. Over the poet’s creative life this conception has been clarified and supplemented with the symbolic, anthroposophical, revolutionary and concrete-idealistic interpretations.
Key words and phrases: новая общественность, индивидуум, община, индивидуалистический коммунизм, теургия, внесословное братство, гуманософизм, самосознание, new community, individual, community, individualistic communism, theurgy, non-class brotherhood, anthroposophy, self-consciousness
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