Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 7. Part 2. P. 171-175.
Starikova Elena Nikolaevna
Novosibirsk State Conservatoire named after M. I. Glinka
Abstract. The article determines the features of "stained thinking" typical of the creative work of the French composer Olivier Messiaen. Revealing the peculiarities and synesthetic foundation of the composer’s thinking is conducted by means of the examination of his "stained thinking" in the general system of various types of thinking activity. By the example of one of the composer’s works - "Chronochromie" - the synesthetic nature of the "stained thinking" of O. Messiaen and its seamlessness for the creative work of the French composer are argued.
Key words and phrases: "витражное мышление", виды мышления, Оливье Мессиан, "Хронохромия", синестезия, "stained thinking", types of thinking, Olivier Messiaen, "Chronochromie", synesthesia
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