Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 7. Part 2. P. 142-146.
Platonova Svetlana Ipatovna
Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy
Abstract. The article discusses the notion "social fact", carries out a comparative characteristic of the social fact and the natural-science fact, of the social fact and the humanities fact. The originality of the social fact is revealed through the study of it as an ontological phenomenon and as an epistemological construct within the framework of social knowledge. In the first aspect the social fact explains the fundamental possibility of the existence and functioning of the society. In the second aspect the social fact is understood as a theoretical construct, the formation of which is influenced by the personal characteristics of the scientist and social context.
Key words and phrases: социальное знание, социальная реальность, социальный факт, онтология социальных фактов, конструирование социального факта, social knowledge, social reality, social fact, ontology of social facts, construction of social fact
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