Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 7. Part 2. P. 118-122.
Matveev Aleksandr Valer'evich
Vologda State University
Abstract. The article is written in the context of studying the public speaking of the Russian nationalists of the beginning of the XX century. The paper aims to discover the content of the ideologeme "Russian" in the institutional rhetoric of a representative of the right-wing monarchic movement of the beginning of the XX century V. M. Purishkevich. The study is executed using the quantitative content-analysis method. The author identifies the semantic fields of the category "Russian", discovers the most actualized markers of Russian identity - "statehood", "cultural foundations", "established social relations". The researcher concludes on the orator’s general verbal strategy, correlation with current ideological approaches to interpreting Russianness, using the rhetoric of Russianness for pragmatic purposes.
Key words and phrases: публичная речевая деятельность, контент-анализ, русская идентичность, этничность, идеологема, Пуришкевич, Государственная дума Российской империи, public speaking, content analysis, Russian identity, ethnicity, ideologeme, Purishkevich, The State Duma of the Russian Empire
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