Abstract. This article considers little-known aspects of the process of the formation of the Russian system of state agriculture in the conditions of NEP and Stalinist modernization. The paper focuses on the analysis of the problems and contradictions of this process from modern methodological positions. The author shows the impact of economic, social and political factors on the formation of the system, provides a comparative analysis of processes in the system of state agriculture with those that took place in collective agriculture.
Key words and phrases: государственные сельские хозяйства, крупные общественные хозяйства, совхозы, работники госхозов, система госхозов, землепользование, советская власть, материально-техническое обеспечение, социальное положение, сельскохозяйственное производство, политика государства, state agriculture, large public agriculture, state farms, employees of state farms, state farms system, land-use, Soviet authority, material support, social status, agricultural production, policy of state
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