Abstract. The article is devoted to the religious-spiritual and cultural-educational activity of the notable Bashkir ishan, outstanding theologian of the Islamic world, the Great Sheikh of the Sufi fraternity of Naqshbandi Zaynulla Rasulev (1833-1917), who brought up the whole generation of the national elite of the Muslims of the Ural-Volga region, Kazakhstan, Siberia, the North Caucasus and Crimea before the fall of tsarist regime in Russia. Nowadays his views acquire larger and larger topicality in connection with the fact that Zaynulla Rasulev warned of the future threat posed by the radical Islamic doctrine - Wahhabism - in his works more than a century ago.
Key words and phrases: ислам, суфизм, аулия, шейх, аскетизм, схоластицизм, тарикат, зикр, садака, тасаввуф, марифат, Islam, Sufism, auliya, sheikh, austerity, scholasticism, tariqa, Zikr, Sadaqah, Tasavvuf, marifat
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