Abstract. The article reveals the basic directions of the development of the literary-artistic and social-publicistic magazines "Na Rubezhe (At the Turn)" and "Punalippu" in the middle of the 1950s - the first half of the 1960s. On the basis of unpublished sources the paper analyzes the change in the contents of the magazines, reasons for the growth of their popularity, identifies the main problems that were faced by the editorial boards of the Russian and Finnish magazines. The author comes to the conclusion about a significant contribution of the editors of the magazines "Na Rubezhe (At the Turn)" and "Punalippu" in the development of literature in Karelia, the preservation of its national culture and the formation of the republic inhabitants’ artistic taste.
Key words and phrases: "На рубеже", "Punalippu", Д. Я. Гусаров, У. Викстрем, финноязычная литература, литература Карелии, "Na Rubezhe (At the Turn)", "Punalippu", D. Ya. Gusarov, U. Vikstr?m, Finnish literature, literature of Karelia