Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 6. Part 2. P. 174-177.
Stolyarov Aleksei Mikhailovich
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article analyzes the image of "The War of the Polish Succession" of 1733-1735 presented in the texts of modern Russian history textbooks. Special attention is paid to the characterization of the reasons for Russia’s participation in the war and the intentions of the Russian leadership put forward by the authors of the textbooks. The comparative analysis of the representations of "The War of the Polish Succession" in the textbooks and the assessments of this conflict existing in the modern Russian academic science is conducted. The conclusion is made about the lack of correspondence between the presentation of "The War of the Polish Succession" in the textbooks and the achievements of the Russian historiography as well as about the need of their concordance.
Key words and phrases: "война за польское наследство", учебники по истории России, Анна Иоанновна, Станислав Лещинский, Эрнст Бирон, Курляндское герцогство, Франция, "The War of the Polish Succession", textbooks on the Russian history, Anna Ioannovna, Stanislaw Leszczynski, Ernst Biron, Duchy of Courland, France
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