Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 6. Part 2. P. 167-171.
Soskovets Lyubov' Ivanovna, Gur'eva Irina Yur'evna, Bulakhova Natal'ya Mikhailovna
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The article identifies the dominant tendencies in the understanding of the phenomenon of nationalism in modern Japanese historiography and conducts the comparative analysis of different approaches to the study of this topic. The paper also analyzes methodological tools used by the authors of the works under study and their cognitive scope. This allows tracking and analyzing the peculiarities of the understanding of the phenomenon of nationalism in Japan by scientists working in different scientific fields at present.
Key words and phrases: национализм, культурный национализм, нихондзинрон, историческая память, национальная идентичность, компаративистский подход, nationalism, cultural nationalism, nihondzinron, historical memory, national identity, comparative approach
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